Some years ago I built a µBITX, version 3, and set out to make it useable on CW. It presented multiple challenges: lots of BCI from a local station, an audio IC that literally blew up, a problematic sidetone, lack of AGC and an impossibly wide passband, among others. I did manageable to make it useable, but just barely.
This fall I decided to try the latest version, V6, as a winter project. I was curious how much it had improved and whether I could make it “CW-worthy.”
V6 is much improved over the V3 I had earlier, but it still is not a CW rig. The Arduino-based firmware that comes loaded on it is problematic on CW, though that is easily fixed with other open-source options. However, the passband is still very wide.
The following are my fixes and mods.
AVC is mounted on the acrylic platform, left. Hi-Per-Mite is center. Zero beat indicator is right. S-meter is back right and the RF sensor is the small vertical board to the right of that.